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Contracts & Grants - Award File Definitions



Award File Code
UC Location Code 1 ‐ Major Location
Sponsor Code
Originator Sponsor Code
Contract / Grant Code
Project Identifier Number
Project Name
F&A Class Code
Project Type Code
Federal Award Number
Award Number
SBIR/STTR Award Indicator
Award Action Code
Indirect Cost Exception Number
Award Form Preparation Date
Award Period Start Date
Award Period End Date
Account Number - Project
Fund Code
Award Amount
Matching Funds
Special Fund Source
Indirect Cost - Applicable Rate
Principal Investigator Last Name
Principal Investigator First Name
Principal Investigator Middle Name
Principal Investigator Employee Identifier
Principal Investigator Researcher Identifier
Co‐Principal Investigator Last Name
Co‐Principal Investigator First Name
Co‐Principal Investigator Middle Name
Co‐Principal Investigator Employee Identifier
Co‐Principal Investigator Researcher Identifier
Transaction Reference Number SPX
CCOA Department Code
CCOA Project Code
CCOA Award Identifier
CCOA Entity Code



 Field Length: 6, Type: alphanumeric Applies to: Proposal and Award The number code taken from the campus list of accounts which identifies the actual expenditure account where costs under the project are charged.  For new projects in which no account number has been assigned by the Accounting Office, it is necessary to ascertain and enter one of the responsible department's standard account numbers. The use of the Account Number in the CGX System is to identify the department or ORU name, by reference to the campus list of account numbers, and to identify the academic discipline.  If an Account Number not in the campus list of accounts is used, this will result in the contract, grant or cooperative agreement being disassociated from the appropriate department.


Field Length: 1, Type: alphanumeric Applies to: Award This field indicates if the award is new or a continuation of a previous award.

  1. New - there was no prior award. 
  2. Continuation - all actions other than New, including renewals. Continuations include actions where additional funds are being provided to continue a project, e.g-, budget period or equivalent, incremental funding amounts, the beginning of a project period where there has been a previous project period, no cost time extension, etc. 


 Field Length: 10, Type: numeric Applies to: Award The total dollars awarded are reported including indirect costs but not cost sharing or "University Participation". The total dollars awarded means the amount actually authorized by the grant award or, in the case of a contract, the total estimated cost authorized for the period of performance. In the case of an equipment grant, the value of the equipment may be reported. The first time the award is reported, the Award Amount will be the amount actually awarded. On subsequent reporting, report only the amount of change, if any, (positive or negative). This is the amount by which the previously reported amount must be adjusted in order to result in the latest correct total amount.  Award amounts, and all other amounts reported in both Proposal and Award files, should be right-justified and padded with zeroes.  Negative amounts may be indicated with a minus sign in the first position of the amount field and padded with zeroes.


Field Length: 1, Type: alphanumeric Applies to: Award Every record in the Award Data File, including the Header Record, must begin with the letter ‘A’, signifying that the data pertain to awards.


Field Length: 6, Type: alphanumeric Applies to: Award Date on which the award form data document is prepared by the contract and grant office. If multiple award actions occur within a quarter for a given award, these actions should not be summarized into one transaction. To be processed correctly, multiple actions for a given award must have non-duplicating Award Form Preparation Dates in chronological sequence.


Field Length: 50, Type: alphanumeric Applies to: Award The unique identifying number assigned by the sponsoring agency (or by the campus contract and grant office in the absence of a sponsor assigned award number) to the contract, grant, or cooperative agreement award document. Only numbers assigned to project agreements, task orders, or individual awards (which may incorporate the Basic Agreement or Master Contract Number) made pursuant to Basic Agreements or Master Contract may be used. If the sponsor has assigned no award number, it is essential that the Contract and Grant Office systematically assign a number to an awarded contract, grant, or cooperative agreement. Any system is satisfactory as long as the number is unique within the first 30 characters and non-varying over time. Each award must have a unique award number. Projects with multiple sponsors must use unique award numbers for each sponsor. This is because the transaction will replace (overlay) data for another sponsor when the award number is the same. The award number is used by the Corporate System to uniquely identify the award. Therefore, the number must be unique to one award only and must not change. If for any reason the award number changes, then the original or "parent" award number (without modification or identifiers) must be used when reporting to the Corporate System. The award number must not be modified, such as "Mod 1" or "Sup 1" or "/02", and it must have the exact same spacing and punctuation marks.


Field Length: 50, Type: alphanumeric Applies to: Award The Federal Award Number is the unique identifying number assigned by the sponsoring federal agency to the award.  Federal Award Numbers are often expanded by reporting locations to include additional identifying information, and these added characters should not be included in the Federal Award Number.


Field Length: 6, Type: alphanumeric Applies to: Award Date that a new, renewal, or supplemental agreement award becomes effective. The term effective for reporting purposes means the calendar date recognized by the award as the beginning for performance and incidence of costs. Note that the award period start date may be a date preceding the date the award is either fully executed or received by the University. If there is no known start date, as in the case of some private grants, the start date should be the date the private grant is received by the campus Contract and Grant Office. All awards must have a specified start date. The following example illustrates what is reportable as the Award Period Start Date for renewals:
Year 1: 7/1/79 to 6/30/80 report Start date of 7/1/79 and End date of 6/30/80 Year 2: 7/1/80 to 6/30/81 report Start date of 7/1/80 and End date of 6/30/81 Year 3: 7/1/81 to 6/30/82 report Start date of 7/1/81 and End date of 6/30/82


Field Length: 6, Type: alphanumeric Applies to: Award Date the award ends. In the case of multi-year grants (e.g., PHS), enter the end date of the current budget period. If the entire project period is fully funded, then enter the end date of the project period. The project period for grants is for administrative planning purposes only and imposes no legal obligation by the Government to require performance or provide funding beyond the current budget period, and provides no legal rights to the grantee beyond the current budget period. In the case of multi-year contracts the award end date depends on how the contract is written. When the contract requires performance and provides funding for only one of a series of years, the end date should be the end of that current "budget" period. When the contract requires performance for the entire multi-year "project" period and provides either full or incremental funding, the end date should be the end of the multi-year "project" period. The multi-year period in contracts is a contractually recognized period of time during which the Government is required to obtain contractor performance and is obligated to continue to fund the contract except in the event of a formal termination for convenience.  So for reporting purposes, the end date of the award for a multi-year contract is the performance completion date, not the time period associated with incremental funding amounts.  In the case of a private grant or other type of award that does not specify a known end date, then arbitrarily assign a definite end date, e.g., one year after the private grant is received by the contracts and grants office. The Award Amount should be the amount awarded (total estimated cost or fixed price) through the Award Period End Date.


Field Length: 1, Type: alphanumeric Applies to: Award If the Project Type is a Clinical Trial then the Phase of the trial (0 – 4) should be identified by means of this data element.  The Phase of the clinical trial is often but not always included in the Project Title.

Clinical Trial Phase Code Definitions (from Wikipedia): 0: Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacokinetics 1: Screening for safety 2: Establishing the testing protocol 3: Final testing 4: Postapproval studies


Field Length: 1, Type: alphanumeric Applies to: Proposal and Award All award and proposal transactions, including project agreements, task orders or individual awards issued pursuant to a Basic Agreement or Master Contract, must indicate whether the award instrument is a contract, grant, cooperative agreement, or (in the case of federal transactions) other transaction authority (OTA) agreement. In the case of federally-originated awards, categorization of the award instrument must conform to federal statutes.
K Contract           G Grant               A Cooperative Agreement            T Other Transaction Authority (OTA) Agreement


Field Length: 1, Type: alphanumeric Applies to: Proposal and Award The nature of the project for purposes of broadly categorizing Indirect Cost Recovery or Facilities & Administration rates.   The categories of “Instruction”, “Organized Research” and “Other Sponsored Activities” generally follow the definitions provided by OMB Circular A-21, “Cost Principles for Educational Institutions”.  Two additional categories are recognized “Intergovernmental Personnel Agreement” and “Other”.

I    Instruction Organized Research S   Other Sponsored Activity P   Interagency Personnel Agreement O  Other

F&A Class Code Definitions:

From 2 CFR 200 Appendix III. “Instruction means the teaching and training activities of an institution. Except for research training as provided in subsection b, this term includes all teaching and training activities, whether they are offered for credits toward a degree or certificate or on a non credit basis, and whether they are offered through regular academic departments or separate divisions, such as a summer school division or an extension division. Also considered part of this major function are departmental research, and, where agreed to, university research….

“Organized research means all research and development activities of an institution that are separately budgeted and accounted for. It includes:
(1) Sponsored research means all research and development activities that are sponsored by Federal and non Federal agencies and organizations. This term includes activities involving the training of individuals in research techniques (commonly called research training) where such activities utilize the same facilities as other research and development activities and where such activities are not included in the instruction function.
(2) University research means all research and development activities that are separately budgeted and accounted for by the institution under an internal application of institutional funds. University research, for purposes of this document, shall be combined with sponsored research under the function of organized research.  

“Other Sponsored Activities means programs and projects financed by Federal and non Federal agencies and organizations which involve the performance of work other than instruction and organized research. Examples of such programs and projects are health service projects, and community service programs. However, when any of these activities are undertaken by the institution without outside support, they may be classified as other institutional activities.”

Intergovernmental Personnel Agreements means assignments made to or from Federal agencies.

Other means awards that can not be categorized as any of the above for F&A purposes.


Field Length: 5, Type: alphanumeric Applies to: Award This field identifies a specific source of funds as assigned by the Accounting Office. The fund code is uniquely associated with the funds received for a particular award during each fiscal year or entire period that a contract, grant or cooperative agreement is operative. Its primary function is the positive identification of the contract and grant in the University's ledgers and is a cross- reference to the General Ledger accounts produced by the Accounting System. Further, it is used by the CGX system to link to the Corporate Account Fund Profile and determine the on- or off-campus location of the project and the method of payment. If no fund code will be assigned because the award is an equipment grant, use fund code 00000.


Field Length: 1, Type: alphanumeric Applies to: Award If human subjects are involved in the performance of the award, this should be indicated by means of this data element.  Values must be ‘Null’, ‘Y’ or ‘N’.


Not implemented at this time. Field Length: 1, Type: alphanumeric Award If human subjects are involved in the performance of the award, AND a full review by an Institutional Review Board is required, this should be indicated by means of this element.  Values must be ‘Null’, ‘Y’ or ‘N’.


Field Length: 4, Type: numeric Applies to: Award Rate (calculated as the percentage figure) awarded to recover the University's indirect costs under grants, contracts, and cooperative agreements. The CGX data element for indirect costs is 4 spaces: 3 before the decimal point and 1 after. All four spaces must be filled. The following are examples: 43.8% - 0438 8% - 0080 0% - 0000 100% - 1000


Field Length: 7, Type: numeric Applies to: Proposal and Award The number assigned by the Indirect Cost Exception module of the Research Enterprise Management System (REMS).   Any project involving less than full indirect cost recovery, as determined by University policy, should be associated with an Indirect Cost Exception Number.


Field Length:10, Type: numeric Applies to: Proposal and Award The amount of State funds, if any, pledged as matching funds in awards. Matching funds are reported to the Office of the President as the current cumulative total amount of matching funds, not the amount of increase or decrease. This is in contrast to reporting changes in the "Award Amount". There is no ultimate difference between matching and cost sharing, rather the difference is categorically made by the sponsor and in the absence of a categorical assertion by the sponsor then is a matter of degree. For reporting purposes, matching funds means a University contribution of 19900 funds (in cash, or in-kind values that are funded by 19900 funds). Matching excludes cost sharing which is voluntary and not legally obligated to be performed or is provided under institutional cost sharing agreements.




Field Length: 30, Type: alphanumeric, each name field Applies to: Proposal and Award The full name of the principal investigator.  Name data should match PATH names.


Field Length: 11, Type: alphanumeric Applies to: Proposal and Award


Field Length: 20, Type: alphanumeric Applies to: Proposal and Award. 16-digit ORCID (Open Research and Contributor ID) e..g, 0000-0001-2345-6789. UC Adoption of ORCID: An ID for Researchers | UC Tech News (




Field Length: 30, Type: alphanumeric, each name field Applies to: Proposal and Award The name, if any, of the investigator who is working with the Principal Investigator on the sponsored project.  Name data should match PATH names.


Field Length: 11, Type: alphanumeric Applies to: Proposal and Award


Field Length: 20, Type: alphanumeric Applies to: Proposal and Award. 16-digit ORCID (Open Research and Contributor ID) e..g, 0000-0001-2345-6789. UC Adoption of ORCID: An ID for Researchers | UC Tech News (


Field Length: 50, Type: alphanumeric Applies to: Proposal and Award Every Proposal and Award record must be associated with a Project Identifier Number.  The purpose of this identifier is to establish a connection between multiple proposals associated with a single project that have different Proposal Identifying Numbers and multiple awards associated with a single project that have different Award Identifying Numbers, as is often the case with award renewals and continuations.  If the local data system does not automatically provide such an overarching identifier, then reporting locations may use an arbitrary number or a project’s initial Proposal Identifying Number as the Project Identifier Number, so long as that is maintained for the lifespan of the project.


Field Length: 256, Type: alphanumeric Applies to: Proposal and Award The complete descriptive title of the project. The title should not contain acronyms and should clearly convey the activity for which funding has been received.


Field Length: 1, Type: alphanumeric Applies to: Proposal and Award Identifies the award or proposal by purpose and nature of the major activity supported by the award.  The categorization by purpose may not always correspond to the F&A Class Code, as in the case of a grant that is coded as “Instruction” in terms of F&A , but the main activity is research.  The project type is reported for the total award, not for the individual transaction. For instance, if a modification to a basic research project is made to authorize equipment purchase, the project type remains basic research. All awards and proposals must be identified by one of the following: 1 - Basic Research 2 - Applied Research 3 - Developmental Research A - Clinical Trial Research 4 - Other Research 5 - Training 6 - Public Service 7 - Other Service 8 - Equipment B - Material Transfer C – Scholarship or Fellowship 9 – Other
Project Type Code Definitions:
1. Basic Research - research that is directed toward increase of knowledge in science wherein the primary aim of the investigator is a fuller knowledge or understanding of the subject under study, rather than a clear or direct practical application thereof. This includes analytical and experimental activities that primarily seek to increase the understanding of fundamental phenomena. The end product is usually a report, although experimental hardware may be involved. In basic research, the particular use of the knowledge is not foreseen or identified at the beginning of the effort.
2. Applied Research - consists of the effort that: 1) normally follows basic research, but may not be severable from the related basic research; 2) attempts to determine and expand the potentialities of new scientific discoveries or improvements in technology, materials, processes, methods, devices, and techniques; and 3) attempts to "advance the state of the art".  Applied research involves the study of phenomena relating to specific, known needs in connection with the functional characteristics of a system. Applied research does not include any efforts where the principal aim is the design, development, or test of specific articles or services to be offered for sale, which are within the definition of the term development.
3. Developmental Research - the systematic use and practical application of investigative findings and theories of a scientific or technical nature toward the production of, or improvements in, useful products to meet specific performance requirements, but exclusive of manufacturing and production engineering. The dominant characteristic is that the effort be pointed toward specific problem areas to develop and evaluate the feasibility and practicability of proposed solutions and determine their parameters. Development includes studies, investigations, initial hardware development and ultimately development of hardware, systems or other means for experimental or operational test.
A. Clinical Trial Research - the controlled clinical testing of investigational new drugs, devices, treatments or diagnostics, or comparisons of approved drugs, devices, treatments, or diagnostics, to assess their safety, efficacy, benefits, costs, adverse reactions, and/or outcomes, if any, in human subjects. Such studies may be conducted under either a sponsor-developed or an investigator-developed protocol. These studies are conducted in conjunction with obtaining new drug or device approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, under Phase I, II, III, or IV. Pre-clinical laboratory studies or studies in animals are not included under the term clinical trial research and neither are projects designed to develop new compounds, as well as test them; such projects are reported in one of the other research categories.
4. Other Research - used only if a research project cannot be classified as basic, applied, developmental, or clinical trial research. Should be used sparingly. If a project spans more than one type of research, choose the one that best applies instead of using this categorization.
5. Training (benefiting the University) - for the purposes of reporting to Office of the President, this category means the conduct of scholarly, professional or occupational instruction for matriculated students or University employees in forms such as classes, seminars, workshops, conferences, etc. This category includes sponsorship of students or employees who are "in training" primarily but not exclusively at the graduate and postgraduate levels. The scope of this code also includes sponsored training awards made to The Regents which provide for selection of student recipients by academic departments, and the institutional support which is either included in the training grant or is applied for and awarded separately. Excluded from this group and from this contract and grant information requirement are fellowships or other similar awards made directly from sponsors to students, and Student Aid programs.
Awards and proposals that require both the development of training materials and the conduct of training as part of the same award should be identified as Training, (Category 5).
Awards and proposals that are primarily for development of training materials and curricula should be identified as Developmental Research, (Category 3).
Training projects that are intended for the training to be conducted by the University for presentation to and for primary benefit to the public, i.e., individuals or groups external to the University, should be identified as Public Service, (Category 6).
6. Public Service - as the term is interpreted in the context of sponsored projects, Public Service means externally sponsored projects where the sponsor, particularly the Federal and state Government, desire to have the University provide the benefits of scholarly or professional training or services to individuals or sponsor-designated recipient groups that are external to the University. Examples of public service may include programs such as those sponsored by the Agency for International Development, the National Endowment for the Humanities and the National Institutes of Health in the area of biomedical services or training. The principal characteristic of public service is that individuals and groups external to the University are the intended beneficiaries.
7. Other Service - includes services which the University provides or makes available which do not fit within the categories of training or public service, such as the use of University facilities as provided by Regulation 4.
8. Equipment - applications or awards that are restricted by the sponsor for the sole purpose of the University's procurement of equipment. This may include direct grants of equipment, or full or partial funding to enable the University to purchase equipment, where in both cases the sponsor intends to transfer or have title to the equipment vest in the University.
B. Material Transfer - used for agreements whose sole purpose is to govern the transfer of materials to the University from the provider, wherein the provider restricts the use of the material to a designated research project. Such agreements often include rights granted back to the provider. Materials may include, but are not limited to, cultures, cell lines, plasmids, nucleotides, proteins, bacteria, transgenic animals, pharmaceuticals, devices, models, reagents or other chemicals. When terms pertaining to the transfer of materials are integrated into an agreement that provides for both the funding of research and the transfer of materials, use the project type appropriate for the financial transaction (e.g. Basic Research).
C. Scholarship or Fellowship  - used for awards that are intended to support students or post-doctoral fellows through payment of tuition and fees, as a stipend, or in support of project work. The award funds may be used to conduct research as part of the individual student’s or postdoctoral fellow’s program of study or training.
9. Other - to be used only if a project can not be classified by one of the above categories.


Field Length: 1, Type: alphanumeric Applies to: Proposal and Award Federal Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Awards are identified with this indicator.


Field Length: 1, Type: alphanumeric Applies to: Proposal and Award This data element is used to identify special funding programs. It is currently used to identify ARRA (Recovery Act) funds and may include other values in the future.


Field Length: 4, Type: alphanumeric Applies to: Proposal and Award All contract and grant activity must be reported using sponsor codes that identify the organization sponsoring the project. Sponsor codes are provided on the Sponsor Code Table maintained and updated by campuses and the Office of the President.


Field Length: 4, Type: alphanumeric Applies to: Proposal and Award When the University receives a subaward or subcontract, the Originator of the award, which may be a governmental agency or a private entity, is identified with the Originator Sponsor Code data element.  The Sponsor Code data element is used to identify the Prime Contractor for the award or contract, that is, the party issuing the subaward or subcontract to UC.


Field Length: 6, Type: alphanumeric Applies to: Proposal and Award The Transaction Reference Number is assigned at the option of the campus and is not required. It is a number derived from a source document or generated by the system which uniquely identifies a transaction on a campus input file. It is printed on edit reports when invalid data is encountered to facilitate identifying the unique source document or system generated transaction causing the error.


 Field Length: 2, Type: alphanumeric Applies to: Proposal and Award Identifies the major organizational unit within the University submitting the data. 01 - Berkeley 02 - San Francisco 03 - Davis 04 - Los Angeles 05 - Riverside 06 - San Diego 07 - Santa Cruz 08 - Santa Barbara 09 - Irvine 10 - Merced 20 - Office of the President 21 - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 52 - Agriculture and Natural Resources


Common Chart of Accounts (CCOA) Entity Level C


Common Chart of Accounts (CCOA) Department Level E


Local campus-specific code, in the project_code column on the CCOA projects file schema.


Unique identifying number assigned by the sponsoring agency (or by the campus contract and grant office in the absence of a sponsor assigned award number) to the contract, grant, or cooperative agreement award document as sourced from CCOA projects file schema in the award identifier column.