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CFSAST File Edit Reports


Description of UCOP Edit Reports for Annual Asset Files from Campuses (CFSAST)

The following reports are produced at UCOP for each campus Asset file (CFSAST).
Note: some of the reports listed also use data from the monthly CFS Balances file (CFSBAL)

CFSRPT0A – Campus Control Report for Campus Asset File

This report lists the number of record type 12 records and the total financial amounts on these records. The input file for this report is the campus CFSAST file modified to include the Account Group Code and Fund Group Code from the campus Corporate Account/Fund Profile (CAF) data. (UCOP Program is CFSEDT01 COBOL)


This report provides totals of error messages by severity level, and provides record counts (records read from the CFSAST file, records written to the asset file (Type 12 records), and records written to the INC record file (Type 13 records)). The input file for this report is the campus CFSAST file modified to include the Account Group Code and Fund Group Code from the campus CAF data (same file as for the CFSRPT0A report listed above). (UCOP program is CFSEDT01 COBOL)


This report provides detailed error messages for the Type 12 records in the CFSAST file. Note that this report will not be included if there are no errors to report. The Type 12 records provide current balances for CAAN assets. The input file for this report is the campus CFSAST file modified to include the Account Group Code and Fund Group Code from the campus CAF data (same file as for the CFSRPT0A report listed above). (UCOP program is CFSEDT01 COBOL)


This report provides detailed error messages for the Type 13 records in the CFSAST file. Note that this report will not be included if there are no errors to report. The Type 13 records provide current year activity transactions for CAAN assets (which are used to update the Depreciation database managed by UCOP). The input file for this report is the campus CFSAST file modified to include the Account Group Code and Fund Group Code from the campus CAF data (same file as for the CFSRPT0A report listed above). (UCOP program is CFSEDT01 COBOL)

CFSEDINC-1 – Summary of Record Type 13 Asset Records by Action Code

This report summarizes the Type 13 records by Location 1, Location 2, Action Code and Account Group Code. Transfer transactions are further sorted by TO Location 1, TO Location 2 and TO Account Group. Sub-totals by Action Code are printed. The input file for this report is a file containing only the Type 13 records from the campus CFSAST file, with Account Group Code and Fund Group Code fields added. (UCOP program is CFSEDINC FOCEXEC)

CFSEDINC-2 – Summary of Record Type 13 Asset Records by Account and Fund Group Codes

This report summarizes the Type 13 records by Location 1, Location 2, Account Group Code, Fund Group Code and Action Code. Transfer transactions are further sorted by TO Location 1, TO Location 2, TO Account Group and TO Fund Group. Sub-totals by Account Group/Fund Group are printed. The input file for this report is a file containing only the Type 13 records from the campus CFSAST file, with Account Group Code and Fund Group Code fields added. (UCOP program is CFSEDINC Focexec)

CFSEDINC-3 – List of Record Type 13 Asset Records by Account Group Code

This report lists every Type 13 transaction, sorted by Location 1, Location 2, Account Group, Fund Group, CAAN and Action Code. Sub-totals by Account Group are printed. The input file for this report is a file containing only the Type 13 records from the campus CFSAST file, with Account Group Code and Fund Group Code fields added. (UCOP program is CFSEDINC Focexec)

CFSEDINC-4 – Errors at the Summary Level: Debit/Credit Incorrect for Action Code

Before producing this report, the Type 13 records on the input file are summarized by Location 1, Location 2, Account Group Code, Fund Category (FED, NONFED and OTHER), CAAN and first digit of the Action Code. The summarized data is then checked to make sure that the amount is positive for Action Codes 1x (New Increment), 4x (Intercampus transfer – SENDING campus), 5x (transfer within the campus) and negative for Action Codes 2x (Disposal), 3x (Intercampus transfer – RECEIVING campus), 6x (Impairments) and 7x (Capitalized Interest). If the amounts are not correct, one of the following two errors is printed:

Amount must be positive (Debit) for Actions 1x, 4x, 5x

Amount must be negative (Credit) for Actions 2x, 3x, 6x, 7x

(UCOP program is CFSEDINC Focexec)

CFSEDGRP-1 – Summary of Type 12 Asset Records in CFSAST vs CFSBAL

This report summarizes Type 12 asset balance records from the Asset file (CFSAST) and Summary data from the monthly CFS Balances file (CFSBAL) and compares the amounts – the balances for assets from these two files should match. The data is summarized by Location 1, Location 2, Account Group Code, Account Number and Fund Category (FED, NONFED and OTHER). Only records with account group codes valid for the CFSAST file are included in this comparison report. See List of Asset Account Group Codes. (UCOP program is CFSEDGRP Focexec)

CFSEDGRP-2 – Listing of Record Type 12 Asset Records sorted by Loc1, Loc2, Account Group and CAAN

This report lists all of the Type 12 records from the campus CFSAST file. The records are listed by Location 1, Location 2, Account Group Code and CAAN. The input file for this report is the file containing Type 12 records from the campus CFSAST file with Account Group Code and Fund Group Code fields added from the campus Corporate Account/Fund Profile data (CAF data). (UCOP program is CFSEDGRP Focexec)


This report summarizes the data from the monthly CFS Balances file for the campus and lists amounts for assets. The financial amounts are listed across the report in asset types defined by Account Group Code, including:

Real Estate (REAL ESTATE)

Plant Asset (PLANT ASSET)

General Improvement (GEN IMRPOVE)

Fixed Equipment (FIXED EQUIP)

Infrastructure Asset (INFRASTRUCT ASSET)

Intangible Asset (INTANGIBL ASSET)

Equipment (EQUIPMENT)

Software > $10 Million – Campus (SOFTWARE > 10M – CAMPUS)

Software < $10 Million – Campus (SOFTWARE < 10M – CAMPUS)

Library Material and Collections (LIBRARY MATERIAL & COLLECTIONS)

Software > $10 Million – Medical Center (SOFTWARE < 10M – MED CTR)

Software < $10 Million – Medical Center (SOFTWARE < 10M – MED CTR)

The Account Group Codes used to define the above asset types are listed on the left side of the report. (UCOP program is CFSSUMRP Focexec)

CFSAUDIT – CFS ASSET/BALANCES AUDIT Accounts on Asset File but not on Balance File

This report displays the number of Type 12 records that appear on the annual Asset file (CFSAST) for the campus that do NOT have a matching record in the monthly Balances file (CFSBAL), where the files are matched based on Location 1, Location 2, Account Group Code and Account Number. (UCOP program is CFSAUDIT Focexec)

CFSRECON – Record Type Reconciliation Report

The annual CFS Asset file from campuses (CFSAST) includes the current year balance for all assets (Type 12 records) plus the current year activity for assets (Type 13 records). This reconciliation report captures the current year balance from the PRIOR year CFSAST file (prior year Type 12 records), applies the activity records for the current year (current year Type 13 records), and compares the results to the current year balance (current year Type 12 records). Any differences found are printed on the report. The report lists amounts by Location 1, Location 2, Account Group Code, CAAN and Fund Category (FED, NONFED and OTHER). The amount fields displayed on the report are calculated as follows:

Amount on Report


Prior Asset Value (Type 12 Records)

The financial amount on Type 12 records from the PRIOR year CFSAST file, summed by Loc1, Loc2, Account Group Code, CAAN and Fund Category

Current Transactions (Type 13 Records)

+ new Increment amounts (action code 1x)
- disposals (action code 2x)
- intercampus transfer SENDING campus (FROM fields on action code 3x)
- transfer within a campus (FROM fields on action code 5x)
+ intercampus transfer RECEIVING campus (TO fields on action code 4x)
+ transfer within a campus (TO fields on action code 5x)
- impairment to an asset (action code 6x)
- capitalized interest (action code 7x)

Current Asset Value (Type 12 Records)

The financial amount on Type 12 records from the CURRENT year CFSAST file, summed by Loc1, Loc2, Account Group Code, CAAN and Fund Category

Difference (Calculated Balance) (should be zero)

+ Prior Asset Value
+ Current Transactions
- Current Asset Value

(UCOP program: CFSRECON Focexec)