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CFS File Submission Schedule and Physical File Characteristics

File Submission Schedule and Email Notification

The monthly CFS Balance File is due at UCOP by the 8th working day of the month following the effective date (month end) of the data, and according to the closing schedule established for fiscal year-end. Three submissions are required for the June 30 file: Preliminary (PRE), Worksheet (WSH) and Final (FNL).

The annual CFS Asset File is due at UCOP by the 13th working day of February for the prior year's data (January 1st through December 31st).

Physical File Characteristics – Monthly CFS Balance File (CFSBAL)

Campuses submit (using ftp) the monthly CFS Balance File to the UCOP vsftp server. The submitted file must be named as follows:


  • mmmyy is the effective date of the file, where mmm is
    JUL, AUG, SEP, OCT, NOV, DEC, JAN, FEB, MAR, APR, MAY, PRE (June Preliminary), WSH (June Worksheet), or FNL (June Final)

Note: UCOP also submits files to CFS for Endowments managed by UCOP, the University of California Retirement System (UCRS) and the OPEB Trust. These files are submitted to CFS directly from a UCOP server.

The record format for the CFS Balance File is Fixed Blocked with a record length of 120 characters.

The CFS Balance File must be sorted in ascending sequence by the first 38 characters of the file.

Physical File Characteristics – Annual CFS Asset File (CFSAST)

Campuses submit (using ftp) the annual CFS Asset File to the UCOP vsftp server. The submitted file must named as follows:


  • n is 1 – 10 indicating the campus
    (1=Berkeley, 2=San Francisco, 3=Davis, 4=Los Angeles, 5=Riverside,
    6=San Diego, 7=Santa Cruz, 8=Santa Barbara, 9=Irvine, 10=Merced)

Note: UCOP does not submit an annual CFS Asset File.

The record format is Fixed Blocked with a record length of 120 characters.

The CFS Asset File must be sorted in ascending sequence by the first 38 characters of the file