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Corporate Account/Fund Profile (CAF)


The Corporate Account/Fund Profile System (CAF) is a repository of campus account numbers and attributes (such as account title and account group code) and campus fund numbers and attributes (such as fund title and fund group code). The purpose of this repository is for financial reporting at UCOP. The mapping of local campus account numbers to account group codes and local campus fund numbers to fund group codes provides for a unified chart of accounts for consolidated financial reporting. Generally this data is used only in conjunction with other corporate systems such as the Corporate Financial System. The system receives campus input files monthly, except during fiscal closing when additional files are received according to an annual closing schedule.

CAF data is used by other corporate systems, including: Corporate Financial System (CFS), Consolidated Financial Reporting (CFR), Corporate Contracts and Grants (CGX), and the Corporate Budget System (BUD), among others.


Technical Information

The CAF production system runs in the IBM mainframe environment using the MVS operating system. Data is stored in sequential files and production jobs are written in FOCUS and COBOL.