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CFS Edit Error Message Summary

The tables below provide explanations of the error messages received on the CFS edit reports, for both the monthly CFS Balances file (CFSBAL) and the annual CFS Asset file (CFSAST). Please refer to the Corporate Financial System: Campus Input Specifications for further information on the input file formats.

The first table below lists "FATAL" errors (error severity level of 4). These errors indicate that the input file cannot be processed - the campus (or UCOP) must be contacted and asked to resubmit the file. The second table lists non-fatal error messages - these errors have an error level assigned, to give some indication of the severity of the error, with 1 being the least severe and 3 being the most serious error. These non-fatal errors may also lead to a request for a resubmission of the file, especially if errors occur at fiscal year-end.

CFS Edits: Fatal Error Messages Msg # Severity Level Logic/Comments
No header record -- processing stopped Fatal-1 4 Sort key must be low value hex (EBCIDIC hex "00")
File is out of sequence (must be ascending order by first 38 characters) -- processing stopped Fatal-2 4  
Invalid record type -- processing stopped Fatal-3 4 Table lookup - refer to list of valid values
Plant asset number is blank -- processing stopped Fatal-4 4 For record type 12, asset number must not be blank.
Invalid UC Location code 1-major location -- processing stopped Fatal-5 4 Table lookup - refer to list of valid values
The record type is inconsistent with the file description -- processing stopped Fatal-6 4 Error reported when: a) file description is BALANCE and record type is not 10,11,20,30 or31; b) file description is ASSET and record type is not 12 or13.
The effective date in the parameter is invalid: processing stopped Fatal-7 4 This effective date (in YYMMDD format) is supplied at runtime, and is not on the campus file. The month must be between 1 and 12, and the day must be between 1 and 31.
The file description in the parameter is invalid: processing stopped Fatal-8 4 This file description is supplied at run time, and is not on the campus file. The description must be either BALANCE or ASSET
UC location code 1-major location does not match the location code in the header record -- processing stopped Fatal-9 4 Compares the value of the location code in the record to the value in the header record.
Error Messages for CFSBAL (monthly Balance file) or CFSAST (annual Asset file) Msg # Severity Level Logic/Comments
Duplicate records -- records combined 1 3 Checks the next record (the file is sorted) to see if it is a duplicate of the current record. Combines amounts when duplicates are found.
No matching record type "10" for record type "11" -- record type "10" (above) created 2 3 The financial amounts for all record type 11 entries with unique loc1-loc2-account-fund combinations are totalled and a corresponding record type 10 entry, matching the cumulative total, is required. If the record type 10 entry doesn't exist, one is created.
No matching record type "30" for record type "31" -- record type "30" (above) created 3 3 The financial amounts for all record type 31 entries with unique loc1-loc2-account-fund-sub combinations are totalled and a corresponding record type 30 entry, matching the cumulative total, is required. If the record type 30 entry doesn't exist, one is created.
No matching record type "11" for record type "10" with non-zero fin amt -- record type "11" (below) created 4 3 For record type 10, if the account is a fund balance account (but not a UCRS fund balance account), and either of the financial amounts are non-zero, a corresponding record type 11 is required. If it doesn't exist, one is created.
No matching record type "31" for record type "30" with non-zero fin amt -- record type "31" (below) created 5 3 For record type 30, if the account is not a plant account and either of the financial amounts are non-zero, a record type 31 is required. If the record type 31 doesn't exist, one is created.
Fin amt-curr bal in record type "10" not equal to total fin amt-trans in number of recs rec type "11" recs= amount 6 3 If the cumulative financial amount for record type 11 entries with unique loc1-loc2-account-fund combinations doesn't match the financial amount in the corresponding record type 10 entry, the cumulative record type 11 amount is reflected in the error message.
Fin amt-curr bal in record type "30" not equal to total fin amt-curr bal in number of recs rec type "31" recs= amount 7 3 If the cumulative financial amount (for current balance) for record type 31 entries with unique loc1-loc2-account-fund-sub combinations doesn't match the financial amount in the corresponding record type 30 entry, the cumulative record type 31 amount is reflected in the error message.
Fin amt-curr mo act in rec type "30" not = total fin amt-curr mo act in no of recs rec type "31" recs= amount 8 3 If the cumulative financial amount (for current month activity) for record type 31 entries with unique loc1-loc2-account-fund-sub combinations doesn't match the financial amount in the corresponding record type 30 entry, the cumulative record type 31 amount is reflected in the error message.
Account number invalid -- six digits, left justified for Bal Sht/Rev Accounts 9 1 For balance sheet and revenue accounts, each digit of the six digit account number field must be non-blank and numeric. The six digits must not be 000000 for balance sheet and revenue accounts only. For expenditure accounts alphanumeric values are allowed.
Account number not in CAFP file -- account group 999999 assigned 10 1 There is no matching account record in the Corporate Account Fund Profile (CAFP). Each occurence of the account will be reported. No match accounts are listed in the CFSRP0N-1 report (from the CFS edit).
Account number is not an expenditure account for record type "31" or "30" 11 2 Looks up the account group code assigned to the account in the Corporate Account Fund Profile (CAFP) and compares to the record type. Error is reported when the first digit of the account group code is not 3 (expenditure account group code ranges).
Account number is not a balance sheet account for record type "10" or "11" 12 2 Looks up the account group code assigned to the account in the Corporate Account Fund Profile (CAFP) and compares to the record type. Error is reported when the first digit of the account group code is not 1,4,5,6,7 or 8 (balance sheet account group code range).
Account number is not an income account for record type "20" 13 2 Looks up the account group code assigned to the account in the Corporate Account Fund Profile (CAFP) and compares to the record type. Error is reported when the first digit of the account group code is not 2 (income account group code range).
Account number is not a fund balance account or is a UCRS account for record type "11" 14 2 If the first digit of the account group code assigned to the account is 1, the account group code is matched against a listing of valid fund balance group codes. Error is reported a) when group code isn't on the list or b) when group code indicates that it is a UCRS fund balance account (group code indicator = 6).
Account Group account group code is not a plant asset account group requiring asset detail for record type 15 2 Account numbers on the CFSAST Asset file must have one of the following account group codes assigned in CAFP: 12011,12012,12021,12022,12023,12024, 12031,12032,12071,12072,12081 or 12082.
Bdgt appr amt-curr bal is not numeric--zero assigned 16 3 For record types 10,20, 30, budget appropriation amount must be numeric.
Bdgt appr amt-curr bal is non-zero for a balance sheet account which is not a fund balance account 17 1 If the first digit of the account group code assigned to the account is 1 (indicating balance sheet account), and the account is not a fund balance account (determined by list of valid fund balance indicators), the budget appropriation amount should be zero.
Encumbrance amt-curr bal is not numeric--zero assigned 18 3 For record type 30, encumbrance amount must be numeric.
Fin amt-curr bal is not numeric--zero assigned 19 3 For record types 10, 12, 20, 30, 31, financial amount must be numeric.
Fin amt-cur month act is not numeric--zero assigned 20 3 For record types 10, 20, 30, 31, financial amount-current month activity must be numeric.
Fin amt-transaction is not numeric--zero assigned 21 3 For record type 11, the financial amount - transaction must be numeric.
Effective date in header record is not correct: header effective date changed to parameter date 22 3 Date in the header record of the file is compared to the processing date (parameter date). Error reported when the values don't match, and file date is changed to the processing date (parameter date).
File description in header record is not correct: description from header record changed to parameter description 23 3 Description in the header record of the file is compared to the processing description (parameter description). Error reported when the values don't match and file description is changed to processing description (parameter description).
Fund number is blank or zero for an Account Group Code requiring a fund 24 2 If fund number is blank or 00000, and the record type is 10 or 11, the Account Group Code is checked against a table to determine whether or not it is an account requiring a fund.
Fund number invalid--must be 5 digits, left justified 25 1 Each digit of the five digit fund number field must be non-blank and numeric. The five digits must not be 00000.
Fund number not in CAFP file -- fund group 999999 assigned 26 1 There is no matching fund record in the Corporate Account Fund Profile (CAFP). Each occurence of the fund will be reported. No match funds are listed in the CFSRPON-3 report (from the CFS edit).
Object Code is invalid 27 1 For record type 31, object codes are required and validation is performed by a table lookup of valid object codes. See Exhibit F in the Accounting Manual.
Plant Asset Name is blank 28 2 For record type 12, asset name must not be blank.
Subaccount code must be blank for record types "10", "11", "20", and "12"-- blank assigned 29 3 Non-blank subaccount codes changed to blank.
Invalid subaccount code--second digit will be changed to blank 30 3 For record types 30 and 31, table lookup performed. Refer to list of valid values.
Transaction audit ID must be blank for trans type entry "00" 31 1 For record type 11 andtransaction type entry 00, transaction audit ID should be blank.
Transaction audit ID must not be blank if trans type is not "00" 32 1 For record type 11 andtransaction type entry not 00, transaction audit ID should not be blank.
Transaction audit ID must be left-justified 33 1 For record type 11 andnon-blanktransaction audit ID, checks for a space in the first position of the four digit field.
Invalid transaction code 34 1 For record type 11, if transaction type entry is 00 (indicating a balance forward entry), the transaction code should be blank or 0000. If the transaction type entry is not 00, a lookup is performed to validate the transaction code. Refer to list of valid values.
Invalid transaction date-blanks assigned 35 1 For record type 11, the transaction date should be numeric, the month value from 01-12, the date value from 01-31. If not, the value is changed to blanks.
Transaction date must be YY0701 if transaction type entry is "00" 36 1 For record type 11, if transaction type entry is 00 (indicating a balance forward entry), the transaction date should be YY0701.
Transaction description must by "July 1 Balance Fwd" for trans type entry "00" 37 1 For record type 11, if transaction type entry is 00 (indicating a balance forward entry), the transaction description should be JULY 1 BALANCE FWD.
Invalid transaction type entry code -- "30" assigned 38 3 For record type 11, transaction type entry should be 00 or from the range 30 - 59.
Invalid UC location code 2-universitywide indicator--1 assigned 39 3 Value must be 1 (indicating local activity) or 2 (indicating universitywide activity)
Account is a plant account for record type "31" 40 1 For record type 31, validation is performed on account number. Plant account numbers (account group 310000) are not allowed for record type 31 entries.
Plant asset number is blank 41 3 For record type 12 or 13, plant asset number is required. (Also a fatal error (#4)).
Account number invalid -- six alpha or numeric left justified 43 1 Account numbers for record types 30 or 31 (expenditure account numbers) must be six characters - but may contain both numbers and alphabetic characters.
Plant Asset Number must be 5 or 4 char, left justified, blank fill 44 1 Plant Asset numbers (CAAN) for record types 12 or 13 may be 4 or 5 characters. If 4 characters, the value must be left justified in the 5-character field with a blank in the 5th position.
Asset Increment Amt must be numeric 45 1 The increment amount must be numeric for Record type 13 records (asset activity records for the past fiscal year).
Asset Increment Amt must be pos. for action cds 1x, 4x, 5x. Check summary errors on CFSEDINC-4 rpt for correction. 46 1 Record Type 13 transactions must have positive increment amounts if the action code is 1x (new increment), 4x (inter-campus transfer, RECEIVING campus) or 5x (transfer within the campus). Note: Record Type 13 transactions are summarized before being applied to the depreciation database - negative amounts on individual record type 13 transactions for action codes 1x, 4x, or 5x are okay if the summarized transactions result in positive amounts for these action codes for one asset.
Asset Amount must be neg. for action cds 2x, 3x, 6x, 7x. Check summary errors on CFSEDINC-4 rpt for correction. 47 1 Record Type 13 transactions must have negative increment amounts if the action code is 2x (disposal), 3x (inter-campus transfer, SENDING campus), 6x (impairment), or 7x (capitalized interest). Note: Record Type 13 transactions are summarized before being applied to the depreciation database - positive amounts on individual record type 13 transactions for action codes 2x, 3x, 6x, or 7x are okay if the summarized transactions result in negative amounts for these action codes for one asset.
Action code required for record type 13 48 1 Action Code is required for Asset Activity transactions (Record Type 13).
Action code invalid. Valid values are 1x, 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x, 6x, 7x where x may be any character 49 1 Action Code for record type 13 transactions must be valid.The first digit of the 2-character action code must be valid (1 through 7). The second digit can be any character - values for the second digit may be assigned locally.
TO-LOC1 required for Type 13 action codes 3x, 4x, and 5x 50 1 Record Type 13 transactions with action Codes 3x (inter-campus transfers, SENDING campus), 4x (inter-campus transfers, RECEIVING campus) and 5x (transfers within the campus) must have a valid target Location 1 field for the TO side of the transfer.
Invalid TO-LOC1 value for record type 13 51 1 The target Location 1 field for the TO side of an asset transfer transaction is not a valid value. An asset transfer transaction is a Record Type 13 transaction with action code 3x (inter-campus transfers, SENDING campus), 4x (inter-campus transfers, RECEIVING campus) or 5x (transfers within the campus).
TO-LOC1 must equal location-1 for record type 13 action code 5x 52 1 For an action code 5x (transfers within a campus) on a Record Type 13, the target Location 1 field for the TO side of an asset transfer must equal the FROM side of the transfer. If this is an inter-campus transfer, then it must be coded using an action code 3x for the SENDING campus and action code 4x for the RECEIVING campus.
TO-LOC1 must be blank for record type 13 action codes 1x, 2x, 6x, and 7x 53 1 The transfer TO fields (such as TO-LOC1) must be blank for Record Type 13 transactions that are not transfer transactions (that is, for action codes 1x (new increment), 2x (disposal), 6x (impairment) or 7x (capitalized interest)).
TO-LOC2 required for Type 13 action codes 3x, 4x, and 5x 54 1 Record Type 13 transactions with action Codes 3x (inter-campus transfers, SENDING campus), 4x (inter-campus transfers, RECEIVING campus) and 5x (transfers within the campus) must have a valid target Location 2 field for the TO side of the transfer.
Invalid TO-LOC2 value for record type 13 55 1 The target Location 2 field for the TO side of an asset transfer transaction is not a valid value. An asset transfer transaction is a Record Type 13 transaction with action code 3x (inter-campus transfers, SENDING campus), 4x (inter-campus transfers, RECEIVING campus) or 5x (transfers within the campus).
TO-LOC2 must be blank for record type 13 action codes 1x, 2x, 6x and 7x 56 1 The transfer TO fields (such as TO-LOC2) must be blank for Record Type 13 transactions that are not transfer transactions (that is, for action codes 1x (new increment), 2x (disposal), 6x (impairment) or 7x (capitalized interest)).
TO-ACCT required for Type 13 action codes 3x, 4x, and 5x 57 1 Record Type 13 transactions with action Codes 3x (inter-campus transfers, SENDING campus), 4x (inter-campus transfers, RECEIVING campus) and 5x (transfers within the campus) must have a valid target account number for the TO side of the transfer.
Invalid TO-ACCT value for record type 13 must be 6 characters 58 1 The target account number for the TO side of an asset transfer transaction is not a 6-character value. An asset transfer transaction is a Record Type 13 transaction with action code 3x (inter-campus transfers, SENDING campus), 4x (inter-campus transfers, RECEIVING campus) or 5x (transfers within the campus).
TO-ACCT must be blank for record type 13 action codes 1x, 2x, 6x and 7x 59 1 The transfer TO fields (such as TO-ACCT) must be blank for Record Type 13 transactions that are not transfer transactions (that is, for action codes 1x (new increment), 2x (disposal), 6x (impairment) or 7x (capitalized interest)).
TO ACCT NUMBER is not a plant asset account requiring asset detail for record type 13 60 2 This error message is not used by the edit program.
TO-FUND required for Type 13 action codes 3x, 4x, and 5x 61 1 Record Type 13 transactions with action Codes 3x (inter-campus transfers, SENDING campus), 4x (inter-campus transfers, RECEIVING campus) and 5x (transfers within the campus) must have a valid target fund number for the TO side of the transfer.
Invalid TO-FUND value for record type 13 must be 5 numeric or upper alpha characters 62 1 The target fund number for the TO side of an asset transfer transaction is not 5 numeric or uppercase alphabetic digits. An asset transfer transaction is a Record Type 13 transaction with action code 3x (inter-campus transfers, SENDING campus), 4x (inter-campus transfers, RECEIVING campus) or 5x (transfers within the campus).
TO-FUND must be blank for record type 13 action codes 1x, 2x, 6x and 7x 63 1 The transfer TO fields (such as TO-FUND) must be blank for Record Type 13 transactions that are not transfer transactions (that is, for action codes 1x (new increment), 2x (disposal), 6x (impairment) or 7x (capitalized interest)).
fund group code fund group value invalid for record type 13 64 1 The fund group for the fund in a Record Type 13 transaction must be one of the following values: 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 10051, 10059, 1006, 1007, 1008, 1021, 1022, 102 or start with 40 or 41.
TO- fund group code fund group value invalid for record type 13 64 1 The fund group for the TO fund in a Record Type 13 transfer transaction must be one of the following values: 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 10051, 10059, 1006, 1007, 1008, 1021, 1022, 102 or start with 40 or 41.
TO-ASSET_NUMBER required for Type 13 action codes 30, 40, and 50 65 1 Record Type 13 transactions with action Codes 3x (inter-campus transfers, SENDING campus), 4x (inter-campus transfers, RECEIVING campus) and 5x (transfers within the campus) must have a target asset number (CAAN) for the TO side of the transfer.
Invalid TO-ASSET_NUMBER must be 5 or 4 char, left justified, blank fill 66 3 The target asset number (CAAN) for the TO side of an asset transfer transaction is not 4 or 5 characters, or (if 4 characters) is not left-justified and padded with blanks in the 5-character field. An asset transfer transaction is a Record Type 13 transaction with action code 3x (inter-campus transfers, SENDING campus), 4x (inter-campus transfers, RECEIVING campus) or 5x (transfers within the campus).
TO-ASSET-NO must be blank for record type 13 action codes 1x, 2x, and 6x 67 1 The transfer TO fields (such as TO-ASSET-NO) must be blank for Record Type 13 transactions that are not transfer transactions (that is, for action codes 1x (new increment), 2x (disposal), 6x (impairment) or 7x (capitalized interest)).
Fund Number is blank or zero for a Balance Sheet Account requiring a Fund 68 2 Fund Number is required for Accounts based on Table 208.
Fund Number is not numeric or uppercase alphabetic 69 4 Fund Number must contain numerics or uppercase alphabetic characters with no embedded blanks
Alpha Fund Number char(s) must be uppercase 70 4 Only uppercase alphabetic characters may be used in Fund Number
Fund Number is not numeric or uppercase alphabetic for a Balance Sheet Account requiring a Fund 71 4 Fund Number must contain numerics or uppercase alphabetic characters with no embedded blanks for Accounts based on Table 208.

Last updated January 10, 2011